Treee is a partner of ERMA (European Raw Materials Alliance), a body launched by the EC on 29 September 2020, as part of the Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials. EIT Rawmaterials, of which Treee is Official Partner, will manage the stakeholder consultation process along the entire raw material value chain, working with a community driven by innovation projects, which brings together more than 150 industrial and non-industrial actors with the common goal of ensuring the supply of sustainable raw materials and advanced materials for industrial ecosystems, in order to build Europe's resilience and competitiveness.EIT RawMaterials, initiated and funded by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) , is the largest consortium in the raw materials sector worldwide. Its vision is to transform raw materials into one of the main strengths for Europe. Its mission is to enable the sustainable competitiveness of the European minerals, metals and materials sector along the value chain by driving innovation, education and entrepreneurship. The European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA) aims to making Europe economically more resilient by diversifying its supply chains, creating jobs, attracting investments in the commodity value chain, fostering innovation, training young talent and contributing to the best enabling framework for commodities and circular economy in the world.
The Alliance faces the challenge of ensuring access to sustainable raw materials, advanced materials and industrial processing know-how. By 2030, ERMA's activities will increase the production of raw and advanced materials and support the circular economy by promoting the recovery and recycling of critical raw materials, through the following objectives:
For more information on ERMA and EIT RawMaterials:
Registered office
Via Zona Industriale IX Str. 115
30030 Fossò (VE)
VAT: IT06278490963